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Seven Ray- Dragon Master Training 

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The Seven Ray-Dragon Master Training is for those members of the Seven Ray Order and students of the Path of the Dragon who are ready to progress spiritually through following a comprehensive and well-rounded esoteric curriculum. Through its study, the Seven Ray-Dragon Master curriculum will assist a person in learning the esoteric secrets of the cosmos while completing their evolution as a human being. It is designed the help provide each person with the tools they need to meet the challenges of their Earth plane existence while rapidly moving them to the evolutionary goal of Self-Knowledge - which is the intuitive inner knowing that arises within a seeker and continually informs him or her that they are embodiments of the Infinite Spirit and Creator of the Universe. This is the realization that Karttikeya, the Pleiadian Lord of the Seven Rays, was sent to Earth by his mother Sophia, Lady  of the Seven Rays, to reveal to each evolving human being. Out of Her love for humanity Sophia determined that each of Her children should become aware of the truth that God dwells within them as them.

Seven Ray-Dragon Master transforms a person into a Spiritual Warrior and a Dragon Master. Once a person graduates from the training they take their place as a preceptor and mentor of others on this path. At that time they have the option of receiving a special Kundalini Activation from Satguru Sanat Kumara, after which they are permanently on an accelerated path to God-Realization 24/7. 

The Seven Ray-Dragon Master Curriculum when followed to its conclusion requires a minimum of 6 months to complete. The various courses and subjects that must be completed are listed below. They are taught by video, recommended books and in Sedona during live seminars. As one progresses through the curriculum he or she advances through three degrees. They begin as a Seven Ray-Dragon Master Level 1 and then study the curriculum for that level until it is satisfactorily completed, and then they receive the title Dragon Adept. Then they move to Seven Ray- Dragon Master Level 2, which on completion they receive the title Dragon Priest or Priestess. And, finally they move to Level 3, after which they receive the title Dragon Master. Notes: If a Spiritual Warrior has previously studied certain subjects required for a certain level they are not obligated to take the subject again. Most all the course will eventually be recorded on Live Stream or they can be studied as books or correspondence courses. Please look over the curriculum listed below for each Spiritual Warrior-Dragon Master level. Those students not enrolled in the Spiritual Warrior-Dragon Master Training are welcome to study any of the courses from any level at any time.   

The Seven Ray-Dragon Master Curriculum

​Seven Ray-Dragon Master Training Level 1

  1. Read An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon , The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom- Special Edition, Sacred Geometry and the Creation of the Universe

  2. Dragon Wisdom: Study the Pleiadian Origin of the Path of the Dragon as well as the ancient Dragon/Serpent Tribes, the Dragon Families, Orders, Schools, and Rites of the Dragons and Siddhas in An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon and The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom- Special Edition and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona. 

  3. Dragon Lines. Study Dragon Lairs (Vortexes), Dragon Lines, the Planetary Grid and Dowsing Techniques. Study this info in An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona. 

  4. Dragon Alchemy-  Learn the Dragon Body. Watch Video: "The Gnostic-Alchemical Path that leads to the Pinnacle of Human Evolution" (see below), and/or study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon on your own. Or attend a live seminar in Sedona.

  5. Dragon Body Purification and Activation: Learn Hatha Yoga and Pranayama -  Watch Video (see below), and/or study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon on your own, and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona. Learn the Eight Stages of Yoga.

  6. Dragon Mantras. Awaken and Increase the Dragon Force. Learn Meditation Mantras - Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon on your own and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona. 

  7. Dragon Force Activation. Learn Alchemical Meditation to awaken Kundalini - Watch "Alchemical Meditation of the Siddhas" (see below), and/or study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon on your own and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona.  

  8. Dragon Cosmology. Watch Video:Sacred Geometry: Alpha and Omega of the Universe  (see below), and/or study Sacred Geometry and the Creation of the Universe on your own and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona.  

  9.  Watch the YouTube videos by Mark Amaru "The Great White Brotherhood" and "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" and/or read: The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Special Edition           

 Upon completion of Level 1 training request and online test to receive the title of DRAGON ADEPT.

​Seven Ray- Dragon Master Training Level 2

  1. Dragon Force Healing: Study The Complete Seven Rays of Healing System  and learn Seven Ray Healing.​

  2. Learn the Seven Rays. Study The Complete Seven Rays of Healing System Watch Video: "Secrets of the Seven Rays" (see below).  

  3. Dragon Temple. Make an Alchemical  Dragon Temple for healing and transformation -Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon 

  4. Dragon Magic. Study and practice Dragon Magic in An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon on your own and/or attend a live seminar in Sedona. Learn to summon the Primal Dragon and/or your Dragon Master (Siddha/Satguru)

Upon completion of Level 2 training request an online test to receive the title of DRAGON PRIEST OR PRIESTESS.

Seven Ray-Dragon Master Training Level 3

  1. Dragon Astrology. Learn the Cosmic Body of the Primal Dragon. Learn the Metaphysics of Time and Cycles.

  2. Dragon Force Mantras. Learn Power Mantras/Incantations/Yantras/Sigils. Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon

  3. Learn the History, Philosophy & Tantric Practices of Shaivism. Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon.

  4. Dragon Master Advanced Training. Watch Video "Secret History and Yoga Practices of the Siddhas." Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon Learn to align and connect with Sanat Kumara 

  5. Study the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism

  6. Watch Video: "The Ancient "Shaivite" Tradition That Encompassed The Globe After The "Garden of Eden" (see below)

  7. Learn the Three Gnostic Centers and how to activate  the indwelling Kundalini Dragon Force on yourself and others. Study An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon 

Upon completion of Level 3 request an online test to receive the title of DRAGON MASTER


Receive Special Guidance from Dragon Preceptor Mark Amaru
on your Path of the Dragon

Mark Amaru is offering special Skype consultations to those who desire special one-on-one instruction on their Path of the Dragon. Consultations with Mark are available Monday-Saturday 11am-12pm MST (other times also available). Please email Mark first to make sure the day and time you desire is available. And then, after registering, send your questions to Mark before your consultation. 1 hr consultations are available.



Watch Classes on Video  

Purchase these previous classes and their Video URLs will be emailed to you.
Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members
Once we have received your order it will be emailed to you 

within 24 Hours. 

Alchemical Meditation of the Siddhas
Learn the ancient alchemical meditation techniques of the Siddhas, the Perfected Masters of India, that are designed to awaken the Kundalini power and transport a person into Samadhi, complete union with God. 
Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members



Hatha Yoga and Pranayama of the Dragon Masters and Siddhas

In this special Live Stream seminar the asanas (stretches) and pranayama (breath control) of the Siddha Goraknath's school of Hatha Yoga will be presented. The 8 Stages of Yoga of the Siddha Patanjali will also be introduced. These yoga practices and yoga philosophy have been adhered to by Siddhas (Perfected Masters) for many ages in order to achieve Kundalini activation and the goal of God-Realization.

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members




Sacred Geometry and the Creation of the Universe,
Earth, Humanity, Time, and Movement

In this special presentation the entire Creation of the Universe, Humanity, Time, Movement, and all Life Forms throughout the Cosmos is covered via the unfolding, sequential forms of Sacred Geometry. The Golden Mean Spiral, the Seed and Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube, Vesica Pisces, 5 Platonic Solids, Star Tetrahedron, etc. will all be featured. 

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members



The Secret History and Yoga Practices of the Siddhas
Learn the secret history, lineages, mantras and yogic practices of the Siddhas, the "Perfected Ones," who achieved enlightenment through the very ancient Path of Shaivism. The Siddhas and their Shaivite Path are part of the Left Hand Path that coalesced out of the Worldwide Bull Cult that followed the "Garden of Eden" era. The Siddhas Babaji, Agastya, Bogarnath, Patanjali, Goraknath, Bhagavan Nityananda, Paramahamsa Yogananda, and Paramahamsa Muktananda are just a few of the Siddhas that will be presented. 

This class was taught by Mark Amaru Pinkham, Director of the School of Shaivism and a practitioner of the Siddha Path for over 40 years.

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members




The Secrets of the Seven Rays

The Seven Rays create and preserve the cosmos. All things are shaped and governed by one or two Rays.
In this seminar learn:
1. How the Seven Rays create the universe.
2. How to determine your Ray(s) and the Rays of others.
3. The skills and destiny you inherit with each Ray.
4. The Seven Rays and how they determine Astrology.
5. The minerals and gems each Ray native should wear.
6. The Lords and Ladies (your guides) of each Ray.

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members


The Gnostic-Alchemical Path that leads to the Pinnacle of Human Evolution
This is the path that leads to the highest evolutionary state a human can attain. It begins by awakening the inner evolutionary force at the base of the spine and then by moving it up to the brain, thereby activating a person's full potential. This is the path that, for many ages, has been practiced, guarded and taught around the globe by Yogis, Shamans, Gurus, Alchemists, Initiates, and adepts of the Great White Brotherhood. It leads to Kundalini and Chakra activation and culminates in God Realization - the realization that God exists within You as You. In this seminar learn the history and rites of this most ancient and primal path to enlightenment. 

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members


The Ancient "Shaivite" Tradition That Encompassed The Globe
After The "Garden of Eden"

Following the legendary Garden of Eden a spiritual tradition encompassed the globe that resembled the modern Shaivite Path - the Path of Lord Shiva - now observed throughout India. The elements of this path - the Shiva Lingam, the Sacred Bull, the Swastika and veneration of the Pleiades- were once ubiquitous around the globe.

Cost: $25.00 or $20.00 for Seven Ray Order Members




Learn the Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects of Western Astrology
and how to interpret a Natal Astrology Chart according to the system of Spiritual Astrology.
​For Beginning and Advanced Students 
Taught by Astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham
Price includes Six 90 minute Videos and the power point used in each in a pdf format for study.









. Predictive Astrology: Learn how to interpret the continual movement of the planets through the signs and houses

of a Natal Astrology Chart according to the system of Spiritual Astrology.

​For Beginning and Advanced Students 

Taught by Astrologer Mark Amaru Pinkham







© Copyright Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays - No part of this page nor the information and photos/art on it may be used without written permission from the Director, Mark Amaru Pinkham.
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